Size Matters: Methodologie Web Canvas

Methodologie is kind enough to share their 'Web Canvas' with all of us in the design community. Their Web Canvas is a grid that displays screen resolutions and the percentage of users that are capable of viewing the different screen resolutions. Their statistics are fresh (August, 2009) and based on numbers from and

I've added this little gem to my delicious bookmarks... I think it'll be a helpful little tool when starting new projects or when I'm wrestling over what screen resolution to design for. All of this info and our own design experience seem to support the notion that in many cases size matters ;-)

Here's the link to the Methodologie Web Canvas...

Posted via web from ptamaro | posterous

Veer: Ideas: The Skinny - Super-Contest!

Enter creative contests at Veer, win $50,000 in prizes

Starting today, Veer is giving away $50,000 in prizes to winners of daily and weekly creative contests. Why? Because they like you that much.

Monday through Thursday, you can enter daily contests announced on their Twitter account VeerUpdate. Fridays, you can enter week-long contests announced on The Skinny.

Every daily and weekly contest will have 5 winners (chosen by Veer’s creative team) who will receive one-month subscriptions to Veer Marketplace worth US$199 each. Each subscription gives you 60 credits per week, for 4 weeks, to spend on images.

That's $1000 in prizes every weekday, for almost two months!

Then, on October 30th, they'll post a final contest, for a grand prize package worth $8000:

  • Apple® 17" MacBook Pro
  • Adobe® Creative Suite® 4
  • 1,000 Veer Marketplace credits
  • Jukebox type collection (122 fonts)
  • Type Tray laptop cushion
  • Kern Zip-up
How hard you play in the daily, weekly, and grand prize contests is up to you. Knowing how talented our audience is, competition should be fierce and fun!

Visit the contest page for more information, rules, and regulations.

Posted via web from ptamaro | posterous

Mixero Is Reducing the Noise

I'm testing the beta of Mixero as I type this, and this app really delivers on it's promise of "reducing the noise." The interface is really nicely done and there are only a few things that a little less than intuitive but fairly easy to figure out as you use it. It's got a really nice feature set [see the list on] that helps make your time spent on Twitter much more productive. Follow them at => to get the scoop on their latest activities (hint: Facebook integration sounds cool) and bugfixes.

It feels different than other Twitter clients I've used -- feels more streamlined and the interaction is more directed towards productivity as opposed to "stream following" like other clients. I'm still not a huge fan of apps built on Adobe Air because this machine is old and just doesn't have the horsepower necessary to really handle "power-browsing" while running an Air app and a handful of others simultaneously (you can never have enough RAM). Because it's an Air app, it should work on any OS, and as I mentioned the look and feel is definitely silky.

As social media continues to converge and inter-operate -- it's getting increasingly more difficult to stay on top of it all. Although I've only been testing it a short while, I can see that it's definitely going to be an important tool in my social media tool chest.

Posted via web from ptamaro | posterous