Seven Things you probably didn't know...

Well, here goes nothing...

View my photos on Flickr »Lots of bloggers post their "Seven Things you probably didn't know about me" and other cool memes and lists, so I took a few minutes (about 27 minutes actually) and thought of a few of my own. After thinking of a few things about me, I realized that my life is a little more exciting than I originally thought it was, so I figured I'd share these little-known facts about me with all of you folks out there.

1) My avatar actually looks like me and I made it myself when I was supposed to be working (for a previous employer) but decided to do something "productive" instead.

2) I have two size 11 feet, but I can squeeze into a size 10-1/2 if I'm in a bind.

3) I used to read voraciously. I've read letters "B" through "S", and "U" through "Z" of Webster's Dictionary and much of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Yes, I have.

4) I have worn contact lenses for more than 30 years, rarely clean them or even take them out and I've only had a problem once.

5) I'm not great with math but I really love to count things, and I used to be a fantastic spellar.

6) There is a very high probability that I will be late for work tomorrow even though I value punctuality.

Hmmn. I could only think of six things about me, sorry.

UPDATE: Monday, January 7, 2008 - 7:13 AM
7) Ok, here is one more which makes seven: Elmo is my favorite Sesame Street character.

UPDATE: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 7:31 AM
* Bonus Item: I just thought of another one... I can read upside-down and backwards! ;-)