Out With The Old, In With The New Twitter!

Poccuagami by Chris Maier (click to follow @Poccuo)
I just logged into my @Peekr account to see what's new with Lil' Peekr and I was given the option to try the new Twitter... so I did, of course. I figured I'd grab a few screenshots for other folks that have not seen it yet and give folks a taste of what they might be missing (or think they're missing anyway). The screenshots below were taken while logged into Twitter using my @Peekr account via web as I was beginning to test the new UI with the @Peekr bookmarklet.

This Too Shall Pass, I Think?

Sadly, as I took a brief cursory look it seems like the new UI uses several different ID's which breaks the peekr bookmarklet version 2.0 — not the concept, just the current JavaScript. I'm thinking of possible fixes or a solution so stay tuned, but be forewarned I might not be able to fix it — and it's football and hockey season, so it may take a while if I even decide to bother with it.

Oddly enough, as I logged out and back in again with my other account it was actually comforting to use the old style Twitter web interface — which is still an option after you've tried the new one (at least for a while anyway). I've used so many Twitter clients over the years so it really doesn't matter much to me anyway.

Note that the full size screen captures are fairly large in terms of resolution and file size. Sorry. It's late, I'm tired, almost out of beer and I want to get this post done...

New Twitter Screenshots

Everything In One Place

Everything In One Place













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Doh! Nope, it ain't really workin'...

Doh! Nope, it ain't really workin'...


  1. I'm still waiting to see New twitter design for my Twitter account..
    New designs are live for many users and many users like are in the queue..
    New design is more promising and I'm sure it will increase the no. of users for web interface of official Twitter client..

  2. Thanks for your thoughts...

    Having used both (old and new) interfaces, I'm not sure the new one will increase or change the number of people who use Twitter via the web since other 3rd party clients have more powerful features in my opinion. Also, with new features an added amount of complexity is often introduced — some folks didn't "get Twitter" before, so this may get worse not better.

    The new Twitter UI is definitely cool, and adds some interesting features. Personally, I think it puts the folks at Twitter in a better position to control their offering, push and promote and control their sponsored stuff, and gain some leverage / advantages regarding the 'business of Twitter'.

    As a user, I would like to be able to choose which Twitter web interface I would like to use on a more permanent basis — as an option or setting. According to Twitter, the choice is only temporary.
