Hyne's Convention Center
Boston, Ma. April 4-7th.
Wow, what an intense bunch of goodness! I was incredibly pumped when I logged into my iStockphoto account last week and noticed a posting from Jokia for 5 FREE passes to Photoshop World 2007. I quickly fed my account with some points so I could send an iStockphoto email, just to give it the "Collegiate try" and see if I could get my greasy hands on a pass... I sent the email and went on to grab a few images for the mockup I was working on and didn't think much more of it.
iStock Rocks
I give iStockphoto two thumbs-up and highly recommend their service over the competition.
This is an example of 'being in it to win it', and I'm glad I try to stay on top of all the new services, cool offerings, and web sites popping-up out there on a regular basis. This time, I was in the right place at the right time...
Here are some photos from Wednesday...
- And here's most of my day...
- Morning sessions
Things got whipped-up into a frenzy quickly with Jack Davis, Wow! Then I Dave Cross add Finishing Touches - Tech Expo
Crowd shots, and booths. Feeling a little like the old days, but different just the same - Lunch time
I had lunch at the Pour House, and watched part of the Manchester United game - Afternoon
I was able to catch a Bert session on "Illustrator & Photoshop" after watching him make magic for just under an hour.
Bert Monroy is God!
"And on the eighth day, Bert made the universe as we now experience it today."
- Book of Palm, Genesis; 36:34:36 - Wrap up
Feeling a bit rushed, and after , and then a good chunk of "Visual Effects" with Corey barker
If you're able to get to Photoshop World, you'll enjoy it for sure. Here's some stuff I was inspired to churn out in my Flickr, and I'm hoping to do more soon. Stay tuned...