The Main Focus: Design

de·sign (d-zn)
v. de·signed, de·sign·ing, de·signs
v. tr.
    1. To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent: design a good excuse for not attending the conference.
    2. To formulate a plan for; devise: designed a marketing strategy for the new product.
  1. To plan out in systematic, usually graphic form: design a building; design a computer program.
  2. To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect: a game designed to appeal to all ages.
  3. To have as a goal or purpose; intend.
  4. To create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner.

v. intr.
  1. To make or execute plans.
  2. To have a goal or purpose in mind.
  3. To create designs.

    1. A drawing or sketch.
    2. A graphic representation, especially a detailed plan for construction or manufacture.
  1. The purposeful or inventive arrangement of parts or details: the aerodynamic design of an automobile; furniture of simple but elegant design.
  2. The art or practice of designing or making designs.
  3. Something designed, especially a decorative or an artistic work.
  4. An ornamental pattern. See Synonyms at figure.
  5. A basic scheme or pattern that affects and controls function or development: the overall design of an epic poem.
  6. A plan; a project. See Synonyms at plan.
    1. A reasoned purpose; an intent: It was her design to set up practice on her own as soon as she was qualified.
    2. Deliberate intention: He became a photographer more by accident than by design.
  7. A secretive plot or scheme. Often used in the plural: He has designs on my job.

Why "latent"?

la·tent (ltnt)
  1. Present or potential but not evident or active.
  2. In a dormant or hidden stage, as an infection.
  3. Undeveloped but capable of normal growth under the proper conditions.
  4. Present in the unconscious mind but not consciously expressed.